Runner-approved Natural Deodorants to Keep Fresh on the Run
by Christina Robinson, Contributor
I truly enjoy the freedom that running allows. I started running competitively in middle school and high school and, in college, it became my main exercise practice. Running is a full-body workout and typically ends with being very sweaty.
As someone who tries to incorporate green and clean products daily, I think it's extremely important to know that you don't have to separate being active and living a natural lifestyle. Going “all-natural”, however, is a journey, and part of that transition, for me, required a hard look at the deodorant I was using. Working out is naturally detoxifying and cleansing to the body. I didn’t want to find myself investing in the run and then turn around after a shower and put chemicals back in/on my body.
Making the Natural Transition
I believe runs and workouts should relieve stress and help push sweat and toxins from your body. So, when I learned in 2014 that aluminum is found in many popular deodorant brands, and how it can clog pores and trap toxins in the body, I knew I was not okay with that. I knew that after a long run, I should have been sweating more than I was. So, I stopped using the popular brands cold turkey.
First, I went through a period of detoxing my body from deodorant altogether and allowing my body to sweat freely. To be honest, it was a challenge. I didn't know how my body would respond and what products I would use next. I tried natural remedies like coconut oil and apple cider vinegar (which surprisingly doesn't smell bad after 10 minutes), I even used other popular "natural" brands, which literally burned my underarms.
After a couple of months of experimenting, I found my groove and the products that work best for me. Since I'm pretty active, I need my deodorant to support my active lifestyle. Typically, I start my day early, going for a run or doing my workout in the office gym. Then, I take a shower in the locker room and go straight to work. Incorporating a natural deodorant in that routine is one way that I am being kind to my body, but I also need a product that will provide me the security to last all day.
Here are three of the natural, green and clean deodorants I swear by, even while running.
Lavender and Bergamot Creme (Woman-owned)
photo: Lather
Photo: Lush
The Healing Place Apothecary
Natural Deodorant Balm (Black-owned/Women-owned)
Photo: The Healing Place
If you're feeling adventurous and want to go beyond the above recommendations, I also recommend making your own all-natural deodorant at home. There’s something very satisfying about making your own products. Plus, you actually see what goes into what you’re using.
Here is a great DIY recipe for deodorant I’ve found that works:
Have a favorite all-natural deodorant that works well for you? Be sure to share in the comments below. Enjoy your run, enjoy your journey!
Follow Christina’s wellness journey on Instagram.
Note: Items in this post are based on the author’s own recommendations. Some links in this post are affiliate links and RUNGRL may receive compensation for your engagement with them. See full terms of use for details.
Christina Robinson
Christina Robinson is the writer and content creator behind the lifestyle blog, From Me to Her. She aspires to encourage others to be the best versions of themselves; through health and fitness, healthy relationships and practical ways to get and stay motivated. Christina recently completed her master’s in Public Relations and invests in entrepreneurs to build and grow their businesses through strategic relationships.